Tuesday 10 November 2009

training my butt off...

took star to meet uncle andrew on sunday.
he was very complimentary about how iv bought him along so far-he was pleased with how striaght he is, and that he is nearly equally supple to both reins, so a good start.

worked in trot and canter going down the 3/4 line medium-collected, really making him come back from one half halt and go from one touch of the leg. the go part is great, he just needs to learn to wait for me a bit more now.

did some circles flexing and spairalling out, making him softer and looser in the neck.

got sent away with the one and back, and canter leg yields as my homework, going back in 4 weeks as andrew said no point any sooner as he's only going to tell me to do what im already doing!

pics here

so, worked a bit on and back tonight, picked up a whip to help with keeping the activity through the half halt, just a soft tap to keep the hind leg quick.
rode the canter leg yield from 3/4 line to just off the track so he doesnt learn to run out his shoulder, and also did some give and re-takes during the leg yield so he doesnt balance on my hands.

finished off doing some sharp trot-canter transitions on a circle, making him really spring off the outside leg and not suck at it. after 3/4 really pissy explosions, he settle and started to jump off the leg.

clipped him last night so he is super bald and shiney again!!!

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